Along historical places and object in Woubrugge and Hoogmade
Along historical places and object in Woubrugge and Hoogmade
This route is accompanied by a series of 20 information signs at the remarkable historical buildings, places and objects in Hoogmade and Woubrugge. These signs explain which historical developments and events took place here. This way the buildings and places get the attention they deserve and the interested readers gets to know more about, among others, the historical building of the Restaurant ‘t Oude Raadhuys (old Council Hall) in Woubrugge, the recently completely renovated mill base at the Wijde Aa and the N.H. Church in Hoogmade
Walking or cycling
The historical association has plotted a walking and bicycle route. A map of this route, including a description of the objects, can be found in a special edition of the historical association magazine ‘Jacobsladder’, and will take you along all the remarkable points.
Museum Van Hemessen Woubrugge
It may occur that the text on the signs is not complete, but for those who want to know more about the history of Hoogmade and Woubrugge is more than welcome at Museum van Hemessen, Dokter Lothlaan 1 in Woubrugge.
The museum is open every Sunday afternoon from 14.00-16.00 hrs.
Hoogmade and Woubrugge
The history of Hoogmade goes back to the year 1252. It previously belonged to the area of Esselijkerwoude, or also called Jacobswoude. Hoogmade was isolated in a wetland area for a very long time. Woubrugge did not exist during the Middle Ages. When the village of Jacobswoude, situated in the Vierambachtspolder, disappeared due to the peat cutting, Woubrugge arose around 1500 at the water of Woudwetering.
The Heimanswetering was dug in 1202, in the extension of the Woudwetering which was just a small peat stream to the Braassemermeer. The water connection between the Rijn and Braassemermeer served as a drain of the excessive Rijn water. Both villages have a strong agricultural character, but both shipping and watersports flourished from early on. Both Woubrugge and Hoogmade are wellknown for watersports at the Braassemermeer, the Wijde Aa and the Does.
The historical association O.C. van Hemessen and the Foundation to preserve the Cultural Heritage of Jacobswoude (Museum of Hemessen) are very active in developing new initiatives to keep the history and culture of Hoogmade and Woubrugge alive. The information signs along the route are a perfect example of that.
Route description
You can start at t Oude Raadhuys in Woubrugge and take the bridge across the Woudwetering. Stop at the Village Church to read the various signs. Then follow you route along the water on the Comriekade and pass the residential care Woudsoord and the animal meadow and continue on the Weteringpad in the direction of the Wijde Aa and continue along the Parallelweg in the direction of Hoogmade.
Cross the bridge in Hoogmade and straight through via Noordeinde to the hollow-post mill Hoogmadese molen a bit North of Hoogmade. Back to the village again and at the Kerkstraat, turn to the Schoolbaan for the elementary school Ter Does. Back to the Kerkstraat again and via the Van Klaverweijdeweg in the direction of Leiderdorp. Cross the bridge before the roundabout and via the Doespolderweg and the tunnel toward the Groenwegh.
Turn left at the end of the Groenwegh and continue via the historical Ruige Kade. Turn left at the hollow-post mill. Via Ofwegen through the tunnel to the Kerkweg and then to the direction of Woubrugge. Cross the bridge to the Boddens Hosangweg in the direction of the Reformed Church, which you will find between the Boddens Hosangweg and the Wetering. Turn left at the church to the Dr. Abraham Kuyperweg, via the cycling path on the Van Hemessenkade alongside the Wetering back to ‘t Oude Raadhuys.
The Node Numbers
44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 - 38 - 41 - 47 - 12 - 13 - 78 - 45 - 44