Hoogmadese molen
Hoogmadese molen
The Hoogmadese windmill has been used for draining the Hoogmadesche polder and the Piestpolder since 1897. It is built on the foundations of an old hollow post windmill, which was in too poor a condition to be restored.
In 1962, the scoop wheel of the Hoogmadese windmill was replaced by an auger. Although a pumping station was placed next to the mill, the polder is mainly drained by wind energy. The windmill can be visited when it is turning.
More information about the Hoogmadese windmill as well as contact details of the miller can be found in the Dutch windmill database. The Hoogmadese mill can also be found on Facebook.
Would you like to know more about the miller of this windmill? Read the interview with miller Ruud Bax or watch the beautiful drone video of the Hoogmadese windmill made by Bas Brand.